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I was referred to Physical Therapy as I have arthritis in my hip. The pain was debilitating and I was on a walker, in pain with each step. My life was turned upside down as I could not continue with my daily routine. I consider myself lucky to have had Roman enter my life as he has helped me a great deal. Roman is very professional, experienced, knowledgeable and caring. With his expertise he developed a therapy plan to fit my specific needs. He listened and explained the process as to how and why this was helpful for me individually. My therapy was adjusted as I progressed and more strengthening exercises were introduced. I have increased flexibility and endurance with building strength, consequently, much less pain. I feel much better as I now have the tools to walk independently with confidence. No more walker! I can function independently as I go about my day and I'm able to do so much more than I could before therapy. I highly recommend Roman.



Post-op therapy patient after hip replacement


One of the many special aspects to Roman Jurkiewicz’s physical therapy is the very personal attention he gives to his clients.  Sadly, most physicians and most trainers in the health field seem to be watching the clock and interested in profit.  But Roman was interested in me.   I presented a real challenge to him in recovering from a double hip replacement while also coping with arthritis in my feet and ankles     But Roman was entirely capable of showing me how I could walk properly again.


            Having lived a healthy & active life for decades, before the arthritis took over, I was really in despair, especially when the most serious issues were exacerbated by high blood pressure and an inguinal hernia.    But Roman looked at me as a complete human being and guided me through a very difficult time; he did not merely see a pair of hips to reactivate.


            Roman treated me at my home and tailored our sessions to my adapting to the stairs, rugs, and so forth in my own home as I learned to walk properly again.   With just a small kit of small devices to use, he did far more for me than I could accomplish in a state of the art physical therapy facility.  He gave me balloons, balls, and stretch bands, and once I’d learned the techniques to use with them, I kept them at home to practice between our sessions.   Best of all, Roman constantly asked for feedback from me, and he adjusted our motions and angles to achieve the best results.


            I also enjoyed his sense of humor and the relationship we developed.  I enjoyed how easy it was for me to share with Roman all of the details that a medical doctor simply wouldn’t take the time or interest to hear.  I cannot express enough how very highly I regard his expertise, his knowledge, his resourcefulness, and his patience.  Beyond the exercises and stretches, he advised me about the best shoes for me to try.   He knew how to be a firm taskmaster, too, to make me less tentative in my movements and to be more dynamic.


            Soon, my walking became much more confident and comfortable.   I owe a great deal to Roman Jurkiewicz, and in the future, I’ll know whom to reach out to again if I’m ever in need!


My husband had a stroke in December of 2021 and has received rehabilitation from several sources without much success.  After two years he still has not had much use of his right arm or leg, that was until we received the services of Roman, one the the best physical therapists we ever had.  Within a matter of a couple of weeks of therapy we saw improvement and movement of his leg that he did not experience before.  This man has truly been a blessing and has given my husband a renewed hope once again.   Roman really knows his craft.  Thank you Roman.

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